Digestive Health , Food As Medicine
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Digestive Health

Find out about For Life Retreats

The For Life Retreats concept has its roots from the word ‘Probiotics’: ‘Pro’ meaning ‘For’ and ‘Biotic’ meaning ‘Life’.

Probiotics are ‘the beneficial bacteria found in fermented and cultured foods used in an attempt to treat and replace damaged gut flora’ – Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride (2010).

Both of us, Kellie and Anna, your retreat founders, have experienced serious digestive health issues and through this experience, it has become obvious to us that our life passion is to inspire, educate and motivate others to help kick goals in regaining and bringing about lasting change when it comes to digestive health and prevention. We believe this is immensely possible using food as medicine, bio-individuality, movement and holistic wellness techniques and treatments.

Bio Individuality you say?

Bio-individuality means there is a no one-size-fits-all diet. That’s right! We are each unique and have highly individualised nutritional requirements. The term was developed by Joshua Rosenthal and is one we instil within the For Life Retreats program.


Our commitment is to work with you to identify the foods that make your digestive system thrive. Our retreats provide the tools that encourage you to listen to your body and to the way your body reacts to certain foods after you eat them. You may love lentils and bananas, but perhaps they don’t love you? What feedback is your body giving you?


The notion that ‘All Diseases Begin in the Gut’ spans back to Hippocrates , (460-370 BC), and it is our belief that a healthy digestive system is the foundation of health and longevity no matter where in time you are.

Our dedication is to ensure you complete our retreat with a deeper understanding of the inner feedback system within your body. You will gain a better understanding of your digestive system and establish some dietary protocols to manage your current challenges. Access some of the most up-to-date and relevant nutrition information to make informed choices that pave the way to optimal health and wellness. Our retreats encourage and guide you to wellness and form plans for a lifestyle that suits you best, providing take-home tools and resources as well as ongoing support.

A well-functioning gut with healthy gut flora holds the roots to our health. And, just as a tree with sick roots is not going to thrive, the rest of the body cannot thrive without a well functioning digestive system’ – Natasha Campbell-McBride 2010.

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